Tableau des publications

dateConf / journallocalisationAuteurtitre
2015NSS-MICSan Diego, USAE. BechetoilleDouble Slope Dynamic Range and Low Noise CSAslides
2016Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and SystemsD. Prêle et al.Gain drift compensation with no feedback-loop developed for the X-Ray Integral Field Unit/ATHENA readout chain
2018Journal of Low Temperature PhysicsD. Prêle et al.SiGe Integrated Circuit Developments for SQUID/TES Readout
2019Sensors & TransducersS. Chen et al.Dynamic Base Current Compensation for Cascaded Bipolar Low Noise Amplifier
2020Space Telescopes and InstrumentationS. Chen et al.ATHENA warm ASIC for the X-IFU electronics
2020Space Telescopes and InstrumentationD. Prêle et al.Warm front end electronic modelization for the X-IFU ATHENA readout chain simulation
2022AMICSASpainCyrille Derrien, Sebastien Extier, Julien Fleury, Salleh Ahmad, Si Chen, Manuel Gonzalez, Bernard Courty, Sylvie Blin, Damien Prêle, Jean Mesquida, Florence ArdellierSLIME : a radhard, clockless, I2C slave for space application
2022Wolte2022M. Gonzalez, D. Prêle et al.Ultra-low noise, temperature compensated amplifier characterization with cryogenic load
2022Journal of Low Temperature PhysicsM. Gonzalez et al.Fully Differential Broadband LNA with Active Impedance Matching for SQUID Readout
2022Space Telescopes and InstrumentationSi Chen et al.Monolithic amplifier and current biasing for SQUID readout – AwaXe_v4
2022Journal of Low Temperature PhysicsSi Chen et al.Room Temperature ASIC for Cryogenic TES/SQUID Control and Readout
2023Journées de la Mi2iMeudonD. CharrierR&T BiCMOS – IHP130
2023MicDATSi. Chen et al.10 ppm/K BiCMOS Temperature-Compensated Current Source
2023MicDATBao TON et al.High Sensitivity On-Chip BiCMOS Thermometer with Differential Output and Offset Nulling
2024Sensors & TransducersBao TON et al.Setting Point and Operation Range of a BiCMOS On-Chip
BiCMOS Thermometer
2024Journal of Low Temperature PhysicsD. Prêle et al.Conceptual design and analysis of a cryogenic front-end ASIC for TES readout using ST-130 nm BiCMOS technology
2024SPIE Astro TelescopJapanBao TON et al.Impact of space ionizing environment on the warm front-end electronics flicker noise used for TES/SQUID readout
2024SPIE Astro TelescopJapanSi CHEN et al.ASIC design evolution of ATHENA X-IFU warm front-end electronics
2024SPIE Astro TelescopJapanH. Arnaldi, M. Gonzalez, D. Prêle …F. Rarbi et al.CMB-S4 SiGe ASIC-based daughter board for low temperature detectors front-end analog readout